FDA Treats Staff, Customers And Media To Christmas Carols.

Mrs Nora Narkie Terlabie, Ashanti Regional Director of the FDA addressing the media during the nine lessons and carols celebration last Tuesday

FDA Treats Staff, Customers And Media To Christmas Carols.

The Ashanti Regional Directorate of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) Tuesday evening treated its customers, staff and media to soothing music at its nine lessons and carols night celebration.

Being the first ever to be organized outside what the national office yearly organizes in Accra, staff of the Ashanti regional office could not hide their joy as they had lots to eat and sing about Christmas.

Speaking to the media later, Mrs Nora Narkie Terlabie, Ashanti Regional Director of the FDA said her outfit was excited to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus with its clients and partners.

She noted that Christmas was all about Christ Jesus, adding that the lessons from his birth gives room for people to peacefully coexist and share what they have with others during such time.

The regional director commended the Chief Executive Officer of FDA, Delese Mimi Darko who was represented by the Human Resource Manager for extending the celebration to the regional offices for the first time.

Regional Director, Nora Narkie Terlabie with a Minister of the Gospel and HR manager of the FDA at the high table singing some carols.
Regional Director, Nora Narkie Terlabie with a Minister of the Gospel and HR manager of the FDA at the high table singing some carols.

‘’We in the Ashanti Region are so happy that our plea to have this celebration with our clients and partners pleased our CEO who has allowed us to have this awesome time to celebrate the Lord of Life and to share in his birth’’,Mrs Terlabie stated.


Mrs Terlabie noted that her outfit was committed to carry out its mandate and activities with a renewed energy from 2021.

She, however, stressed that the activities of FDA would be smooth if its partners and clients collaborate fully to ensure food and products on the market are safe all year round.

The FDA, the regional director revealed, was not an outfit whose pre-occupation is to chase people around and seize their wares or products they consider fake or unwholesome.

Mrs Terlabie said the FDA engages with its customers and clients to educate them on ways and practices that would make their wares or products good for consumption or usage.

‘’Our mandate is simple and it is to ensure whatever we consume as citizens or products we apply or use at homes or workplaces are wholesome and of high quality and standards’’, the Regional Director posited.


The Regional Director expressed reservations about the manner some media persons were endorsing products on live programs.

Many of these products and substances, Mrs Terlabie worryingly noted were herbal products and energy drinks.

This, she noted, was a bad attitude since some of the claims they make on air may not be so and at times some of the products may not have been tested and approved by the FDA.

She revealed that caution had been served on many of the radio stations, adding that from next year persons found to be endorsing products of fictitious background would be arrested and dealt with according to law.


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