Encourage SHS Graduates Rather Than Bastardizing Free SHS- Political Analyst Blasts Jane Naana

Encourage SHS Graduates Rather Than Bastardizing Free SHS- Political Analyst Blasts Jane Naana

A Political Analyst, Nana Oteatuoso has descended heavily on the former Education Minister, Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman following her unguarded statement that, the first free SHS graduates passed their exam with ‘apor’.

This, Nana Oteatuoso fumed that, Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman should encourage the students rather than sabotaging the free Senior High School programme.

According to the NPP sympathizer who was speaking on The Privilege Morning Show on Wontumi Radio/TV, ‘apor’ has been in existence for so many years but President Akufo-Addo laid down good measures for the students to pass the WASSCE exam with ease hence Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman is worried.

He said that, the 410 students who passed the exam with distinction are the same students John Mahama and NDC were seeking for their votes in the 2020 elections.

“Jane Naana can go to court to challenge the results of her own children if she presume there was a foul play,” he jabbed.

The Akwanserehene of Akyem Kwabeng revealed that, he has never taken the John Mahama’s running mate serious since the day she signed the Presidential pardon to release the ‘Muntie 3’.

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