E-levy Policy: MMAAG Not Opposed To Tax Agenda Of Government

E-levy Policy: MMAAG Not Opposed To Tax Agenda Of Government

Mobile Money Agents Association of Ghana (MMAAG), says it is not opposed to the government’s tax revenue agenda including the newly introduced electronic levy tax (E-levy).

According to the Association, they admittedly opposed the introduction of the levy, but after broad consultations and discussions, they have decided to support the tax policy and they are committed to working with all relevant stakeholders to make the levy a successful national policy.

The Association made this known when they paid a courtesy call on President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House today, Tuesday 10 May 2022.

General Secretary of the Association, Evans Otumfuo, in his address on behalf of the delegation indicated that “despite our earlier resistance to E-levy, we also understand that government will have to take drastic measures in drastic times”.

“The e-levy has now been passed into law and all citizens must obey, so we are here as allies and not opposing forces”.

“We also commend the government for taking bold steps to reduce the electronic transactions levy from the initial 1.75% to 1.5% and the tall list of exemptions provided by the e-levy,” Otumfuo said.

*Urgent concerns*

In his address, the MMAAG general secretary called on President Akufo-Addo to press on all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the e-levy such as the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization to take immediate steps to address their concerns and challenges.

“Your Excellency, we appeal to you and the minister of finance to expedite actions to look at the challenges that the levy has brought to the agents in the line of doing their business such as deductions made on the Agent’s accounts anytime funds are transferred to their bank accounts for purposes of accessing cash to serve customers,” Evans Otumfuo said.

“Let it be on the record, your excellency, that our organization believes in the payment of taxes as a major tool to drive the needed development and progress and would not do anything that frustrates the success of the levy” he added.

*Continuous public education*

The leadership of MMAAG further noted that there is a need on the side of the government to sustain public education on the implementation of the e-levy. They pointed out that continued education of Ghanaians on the electronic transaction levy will go a long way to protect the businesses of members of the association.

“We have identified, that your excellency, the feedback, and signal picked after the implementation of the e-levy, really reveal that communications on the e-levy have been extremely low”.

“Your Excellency, it is in the best interest of the Association to help drive education and the needed sensitization. We are
ready to man such responsibility of going around the country to help drive education on the e-levy” Otumfuo said.

“In a nutshell, our Association intends to support the government to realize the needed revenue” he added.

*Fraud and identity theft issues*

Fraud and identity theft according to the leader of the delegation is the most pressing challenge that members of MMAAG are having to deal with on daily basis.

To this end, the MMAAG general secretary called on the President to urge the security agencies, particularly, the Inspector General of Police, George Akuffo Dampare, to engage their association in order to find a solution to the problem.

*Offer of partnership*

President Akufo-Addo in his response welcomed the decision of MMAAG to support the implementation of the electronic levy tax (E-levy), noting that the policy has been introduced by his administration for the good of the country.

President Akufo-Addo noted that he welcomes the offer of partnership with the government as suggested by MMAAG to make sure that the e-levy is successfully administered.

“I think it is appropriate that direct stakeholders like you voice out your concerns as you did and that these concerns are taken into account by the government so that when the law was finally shaped as it has been, it is meaningful for the State and its equally meaningful for the private sector operatives who are in the area,” President Akufo-Addo said.

President Akufo-Addo assured the MMAAG delegation that their security concerns raised will be given immediate attention.

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