Don’t End UP Like Martin Amidu- Special Prosecutor Told

Communication team member of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Nana Kwadwo Agyei Yeboah (Nana Kay), says he fears Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng might end up like former Special Prosecutor Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu.

According to him,the Special Prosecutor has appointed an NDC member as a Special Assistant in the name of Akurugu Albet in which he thinks is going to be a saboteur with his work.

He further stressed that President Akufi-Addo appointed Martin Amidu as a Special Prosecutor who failed to deliver on his job but ended up sabotaging the government for his failure.

Nana Kay stated that if the Special Prosecutor does not desist from such acts he will end up like Martin Amidu who failed woefully according him.

“The Special Prosecutor (Kissi Agyaebeng) must be very with his decisions he takes how can you appointment someone who is a top NDC member as your Special Assistant? Martin Amidu did the same thing and he failed.”

He said this after the SP released a report that faulted the Deputy Commissioner of Customs in charge of Operations, Joseph Adu Kyei for issuing an unlawful custom which reduced frozen foods which was imported by Labianca Limited which reduced the tax the said company paid to the state.

“The Akurugu Albet guy is also a financier of his wife elekplem Akurugu who contested Adwoa Safo at dome kwabenya.

Mr Adu Kyei is innocent because customs act permits him to give discount base on the lay down rules of customs and this arrangement has been there since NDC era,”he added.

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