December Elections: President Akufo-Addo Fumes At Independent Candidates

December Elections: President Akufo-Addo Fumes At Independent Candidates

His Excellency President Akufo-Addo has descended heavily on independent candidates who are contesting for the various parliamentary seats in the December polls.

According to him, no Independent candidate can help him.

President Akufo-Addo who was addressing the Chiefs and people of Tepa on his last day of his tour to the Ashanti Region and monitored by, stressed that, he needs men to help him govern the country on a brighter note not an independent candidate.

Angry Akufo-Addo indicated that if those contesting independently are good NPP members they would shun it.

“Anybody who wants to contest independently is not a good NPP member,” he emphasized

Taking a swipe at one independent candidate in the area, Kwabena Osei Bonsu, President Nana Addo said that he is disrespectful because he invited him to the Jubilee House but snubbed the invitation.

“I sent Agyemang Prempeh to bring him to the Jubilee House but he told him he won’t come and you want me to work with such a person? It won’t prevail,” he told the people of Tepa.

He fumed, “we won’t vote for him neither today nor tomorrow”

According to President Akufo-Addo the only person he knows in the area and can help him manage the country is the Member of Parliament for the area, Hon. Sulemana Saniu Adamu and that the electorate should vote massively for him.

His Excellency said that, Hon. Saniu Adamu has never disappointed the people of Tepa since he was elected as MP.

He added, “Hon. Sulemana is the first Vice Chairman of Parliamentary Select Committee and you have seen the impact he has made.”

Nana Akufo-Addo appealed to the people to grant four more years to the MP as they are doing for him.

But however, the NPP flagbearer urged the electorate to vote massively for him to surpass the total votes he secured in the previous elections.

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