Crime In Ghana Up Because 10% Of Population Have Guns- Irbard Ibrahim (Video)

Terrorists Are Recruiting And Targeting Ghana- Irbard Ibrahim Warns (Video)
Irbard Ibrahim

Proliferation of crime in Ghana is soaring because 10% of the population have access to guns, Irbard Ibrahim has warned.  

Out of every ten Ghanaian you count, one possesses a gun, Irbard Ibrahim said on Wontumi TV adding that “this is why we are seeing proliferation of crimes in the country.” 

The easy access to guns according to him has bolden some criminals to commit crimes close to security zones.  

He also warned that criminals were taking advantage of the Ghana Police gun for cash initiative and were rather getting more guns after exchanging their old ones for money. 

“They will bring one AK47 gun, take money from the police and go and buy three pump action guns in return”, Irbard said to reveal how some criminals were taking advantage of the good project.  

To control the guns in the system, he called on the Interior Ministry to engage local artisans who have the craft to make guns and license their operation to enable them monitor and track their buyers.  

Video below… 

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