COVID-19 Turned Out To Be A Blessing For Some Of Us – Trigmatic

Despite the Coronavirus causing havoc to many, Trigmatic, is counting his blessing from the pandemic.

According to the Ghanaian singer, even though he also suffered misfortunes due to the outbreak of the virus, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise to him.

Whereas lots of people suffered the misfortunes the pandemic brought the world, the award-winning rapper has had a different experience. “Corona took us by storm but I still was able to find myself in the midst of the troubles,” he said.

In an interview with Foster Romanus on ETV’s ‘Late Night Celebrity’ show, he even had a planned tour that was cancelled. “For the first time, I had just found an agent to help in my music career and just when we had booked shows in Europe, the coronavirus came so we couldn’t go on with it,” he said.

“My year was fully booked. I was supposed to be booked from the 28th of March to 7th April and from 7th April through to December but I was only able to do 28th to 7th April. That was it,” he exclaimed.

Counting his blessing from the pandemic, the ‘My Life’ singer in a report by Happy FM’s, said out of the pandemic he has reached achievements like going into farming and dropping an E.P which he didn’t plan for.

“Because, most of my achievements this year like, going into farming and dropping an E.P were not planned,” the website quoted him to have said during his interview. The father of two advised viewers to acknowledge God always because “he leads and directs our path”.

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