Corruption Has Infested You Like A Dog With Lice- Owusu Bempah Punches Mahama

Corruption Has Infested You Like A Dog With Lice- Owusu Bempah Punches Mahama
Ernest Kofi Owusu Bempah 

Former President John Mahama’s effrontery to speak and tag the Akufo-Addo led government as corrupt, has stunned Mr. Ernest Owusu Bempah.  

The Convener for the Fixing the Country Movement, stated on Wontumi TV that he is amazed because when it comes to talking about corruption, Mr. John Mahama “has it all over his body like a dog infested with lice”.  

He also described the 2020 Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) as someone who has the penchant to smell corruption.    

“He is king of corruption”, he added as he crowned him and named Saglemi housing deal and the Airbus scandal as some of the corrupt deals Mahama’s administration cooked when he was in power.  

Ernest Owusu Bempah promised that in the coming days, his group would demonstrate and put pressure on government to probe Mr. Mahama for being part of corruption related cases.  

After being implicated in several corruption related cases, John Mahama has turned around and charged Ghanaians to vote out the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the next election in 2024 for him stage another comeback.

He is on record to have said that “The NPP have no intention of fighting corruption, and so the only way they can be made to account to the people of Ghana is for them to leave office so that the new government will come and audit them and show where they have gone wrong. Otherwise, all the money they have stolen, they will just walk away with it.” 

But Ernest Owusu Bempah maintains that “He is biting more than he can chew. He his setting an example dangerous in Ghana’s politics”.  

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