C/R: Gov’t To Sponsor Education Of Two Year Old Daughter Of Fire Service Officer Who Died Trying To Rescue Three Drowning Persons (VIDEO)

C/R: Gov’t To Sponsor Education Of Two Year Old

Daughter Of Fire Service Officer Who Died Trying

To Rescue Three Drowning Persons (VIDEO)


The Deputy Interior Minister, Naana Eyiah has announced that government is fully funding the education of the two year old daughter of the late fire service officer, Assistant Fire Officer Joseph Baidoo who died in an attempt to rescue three persons who got drowned in a well at Gomoa Obuasi in the Central Region.

Perpetual Maame Araba Baidoo will have her education fully covered under scholarship to the tertiary level.

Assistant Fire Officer Joseph Baidoo who died while rescuing three persons trapped in a well has also been promoted to the post of Assistant Division Officer Grade 2.

Chief of Gomoa Otaipro Nana Osompa Nyamekye who was present at the event urged the government to provide the service with more logistics to help in the discharge of their duties.

“We are happy that the  Ministry has supported the family, but we also want to urge them to support the Fire Service with more logistics to prevent future occurrences of such nature,” Nana Osompa Nyamekye said.

The Ghana National Fire Service says investigations are ongoing and will soon come out with a report and a possible roadmap in dealing with future occurrences.

According to Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Director of Welfare, Daniella Mawusi Sarpong it is their priority to know what went wrong during the operation.

Watch video….

From: Samuel Eshun, Central Region


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