BREAKING!!!:Tanzania President John Magufuli Dead

FILE PHOTO: Tanzania's President elect John Magufuli salutes members of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi Party (CCM) at the party's sub-head office on Lumumba road in Dar es Salaam, October 30, 2015. REUTERS/Sadi Said/File Photo

BREAKING!!!:Tanzania President John Magufuli Dead


Vice President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu has announced on a State television that, President has John Magufuli has died.



In a televised address to the nation late on Wednesday, he said the 61-year-old president had died of heart failure.


A vocal COVID-19 sceptic, Magufuli had last appeared in public on February 27and top government officials had denied that he was in ill health, even as speculation swirled online that he was sick and possibly incapacitated from illness.


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