BOMBSHELL: Abronye Exposes #FixTheCountry Convener

BOMBSHELL: Abronye Exposes #FixTheCountry Convener,

The Fix The Country campaign has been trending for some time now and many Ghanaians have expressed varying views about what it truly mean for any group of people to demand a ‘fixing of the country.”

Abronye DC has exposed the brain behind this mantra indicating that Barker Vormawor is a strong NDC who does not mean well for the Akufo Addo government.

In a video, Abronye stated categorically that between 2009 and 2016, the man at the center of the #hashtag could not fix anything as a presidential staffer who had enough opportunities to have alleviated Ghanaians from hardship.

Watch Abronye exposing Barker Vormawor

Vormawor was the Senior Legal and Policy advisor at the office of the president but his own hometown lacked portable water ,electricity extension and other social amenities. During his time, Teachers in his area suffered Mahama’s 3 months pay policy. Graduate unemployment rose high in his constituency. He couldn’t fix the situation. One wonders the number of Youth friendly policies he advised the two former presidents to roll out during his time.

The Bono Regional Chairman of NPP asked the number of youths Vormawor fixed, how agric, industries, access to education, bank rate and fuel prices were when Barker served at the presidency as Senior Legal and policy Advisor under the governments of John Evans Atta Mills and John Dramani Mahama.

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