BoG New Headquarters: NDC Engaging In “Unconscious Incompetence” And “Intellectual Dishonesty”- Deputy Trade Minister

BoG New Headquarters: NDC Engaging In “Unconscious Incompetence” And “Intellectual Dishonesty”- Deputy Trade Minister

The Member of Parliament for Nhyiaeso Constituency and deputy Trade Minister, Stephen Amoah, has accused the minority group in Parliament of engaging in “unconscious incompetence” and “intellectual dishonesty” in the matter relating to the cost and processes involved in the procurement of land for the Bank of Ghana’s new headquarters building at Ridge in Accra.

Speaking on the Wontumi Morning Show which was monitored by, Hon. Stephen Amoah urged the minority group in Parliament, to feel free to talk about the BoG issue but not to attach spins and propaganda to it.

“The BoG is autonomous and should be able to defend itself but the way the NDC is approaching the issue, we need to speak” he said as he added that “we are tired of their propaganda and people should stop lying.”

Despite paying respect to the Minority Leader in Parliament, Hon. Ato Forson, he called on him to slow down on his ego-trips.

“Hon Dr. Ato Forson is engaging in intellectual dishonesty…unconscious incompetence, they don’t even know they don’t know. They are displaying their ego-trips, they want to talk about anything and everything. Even if they are not a medical doctor they will speak as if they can perform surgery.”

The Minority in Parliament are requesting the Governor of the Central Bank, Dr Ernest Addison to answer their question on why his outfit is spending $250 million to build a new head office when the Bank is in financial difficulties.

But Hon. Stephen Amoah urged that this is not the first time BoG have recorded negative equity.

He explained that the core mandate of BoG is not to make profit but rather, to regulate the financial industry.

“They are to stabilize the economy and not only management of monetary policies”, he said.


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