Bitter Kola: 4 Reasons to Eat It

Bitter Kola: 4 Reasons to Eat It


Bitter kola is a popular herb in Central and Western Africa that comes from the evergreen kola tree and has long been prized for its medicinal properties, according to Healthline.

Kolanut is another name for it, and it’s usually eaten uncooked. As you chew, the harsh, bitter flavor melts into a slight sweetness.

The seeds, nuts, and bark of bitter kola are used to treat a range of diseases.

Here are four reasons to consume bitter kola.

1. It boosts immunity: Bitter kola provides the immune system with the tools it needs to fight dangerous poisons and mount an effective immune response to foreign particles and diseases.

2. Glaucoma Prevention: A group of researchers discovered that using a garcinia kola extract eye drop on a regular basis can help treat glaucoma. Glaucoma can also be avoided using it.

3. It aids weight loss: Bitter kola is a natural hunger suppressant as well as a fantastic thirst stimulant, which aids weight loss because the body requires a lower food intake and a higher water intake to lose weight and stay healthy.

4. It helps to keep blood sugar levels in check: Bitter kola can help those who are diabetic.

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