Best Construction, Ghana Gas, National Sports Authority Hands Over Ultramodern AstroTurf To Oforikrom-Kotei Community

The National Sports Authority through the initiative of of Claudia Kwarteng Lumor on Sunday 1st, October, 2023 has officially opened an ultramodern Astro Turf in Oforikrom-Kotei in the Ashanti Region.

The construction of the edifice is in connection with the president’s aim of improving sports infrastructure across all constituencies. The fourteen months project was constructed by Britz Engineering Solutions & Trading LTD (BEST) and fully funded by Ghana Gas led by Dr Ben Asante, CEO.

Speaking at the commissioning, Director General for National Sports Authority, Professor Peter Twumasi said the impressive development, represented a clear departure of the situation prior to the NPP assuming office in 2017

“The commissioning of this edifice adds to the remarkable number of modern astro turfs the government of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has built in various communities across the country in the past 4 years, in fulfilment of the promise to bring modern sports infrastructure to the community, regional and national levels”.

“In 2017, the number of Astoturfs in Ghana are only two (2), today as I speak to you with the help of the President and his vice Dr Bawumia, 131 Astroturfs have been completed and still counting. This will improve the our sporting activities and also produce quality players who’ll replace Steven Appiah, Sulley Muntari who are here with us today and all our great Black Stars plyers”

“So far, 10 astro turfs have been constructed in the Ashanti Region by various government agencies such as Ghana Gas, the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), 5 have been completed and handed over to the various assemblies.”

He urged the youth, Nananoom, the assembly and all stakeholders in the community to develop a goo maintenance culture to see to a successful lifespan of the turf.

The Director for Best Company LTD, Nana Antwi, thanked the chiefs and people of Kotei and Claudia Kwarteng Lumor for their support. He said BEST LTD is poised to partner and develop Ghana through sports and are ready to always put up their best for the youth.

“We worked with passion and as citizens for our own youth. this facility has a 10 years lifespan, standard pitch, full pitch size of 105m X 68m square meters and floodlights”.

Claudia Kwarteng Lumor, NPP parliamentary aspirant hopeful who’s dream has resulted to positively to the astro turf urges the delegates and the good people of Oforikrom to support her ambitions to become the next parliamentary candidate on the ticket of the NPP. She assures massive development to improve the livelihood of the residents.

“Let us keep good maintenance of this astro turf and support me to become the next MP for Oforikrom. this is a step ahead of the our community team. Registration has been done already as Oforikrom Rangers” she added.

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