Beef Alert! Lydia Forson Slams Veteran Actress, Selassie Ibrahim For Insulting Full Time Actors And Actresses

Veteran Ghanaian actress, Selassie Ibrahim has bitten more than she can chew with regards to the derogatory words she used on full-time actors and actresses during an interview on Adom TV’s ‘Ahosepe Xtra’ show.

According to the award-winning actress and movie producer, it’s sheer stupidity for a person to rely on only acting as his or her source of income.

Explaining in detail why she thinks it’s suicidal for anyone to take acting as a full-time job, she argued that most actors and actresses can stay home for more than 3 months without bagging a movie role.

When this happens, they have to beg for money to pay for rent, food, and other bills which is very shameful.

However, Lydia Forson who has also spent more than a decade in the movie industry has pinned Selassie Ibrahim’s comments as unnecessary and very useless.

As stated by Lydia Forson, acting is a full-time business and should be treated as such and it’s only clueless people who will take the movie industry as a joke.

Infuriated Lydia Forson further went on to add that, acting is not a hobby or something we do just for fun so Selassie Ibrahim should come again.

She made these submissions in the comments section of a post Zionfelix authored on Instagram concerning Selassie Ibrahim’s controversial comments.

Lydia Forson wrote;

I get the point she’s making but this only denigrates an already struggling industry, especially where women are concerned. Too many people don’t understand filmmaking and Showbiz as a whole and it’s why some of these very nuanced conversations are overly simplified. I was a FULL-TIME ACTRESS for many years before I ever owned any business, and whiles I did struggle at times, I understood the ( BIZ) in SHOWBIZ and knew that I had to run myself like the brand I was, it’s where your money comes from. Actors all over the world have supporting careers when they’re coming up, but once you hit a certain status it will take your full time and you have to function as a business. Loving an industry and being in it doesn’t mean you completely understand it and it’s why we need a lot more conversations on SHOWBIZ as a whole and with people who have an appreciation of its complexities. And please saying it’s a HOBBY only cast even more negativity on what we do; what she does as a producer, the people she hires and how much money she spends to produce one movie is not a hobby. Much love all actors, filmmakers ( including auntie sellassie) for continuing to sustain an industry that isn’t always easy.

I somehow agree with Selassie Ibrahim’s statement because most of our actresses sleep around to finance their lavish lifestyles and most of the actors are also into money laundering and all kinds of illegal stuff.

Being a full-time actor or actress in Ghana comes with severe hunger!





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