Bear With Gov’t And Manhyia To Transform Asanteman’ – Amoamanhene Urges Traders

Bear With Gov’t And Manhyia To Transform Asanteman’ – Amoamanhene Urges Traders

The Chief of Amoaman, Nana Agyenim Boateng I, who is a representative of the Asantehene on the Kejetia re-development board has appealed to traders and residents of Ashanti Region to bear with both Manhyia and government in their determined efforts to transform Kumasi.

He said in an interview on Wontumi Radio/TV that every major sustainable development initiative goes with cost and sacrifice and to overcome such challanges the beneficiaries need to have cool heads to allow the projects to go ahead without disagreements and bickering.

The Chief said this in reaction to the recent demonstration by some Kejetia traders orchestrated to mount pressure on the KMA and Manhyia to alter some aspects of the development blue print of Kumasi’s business hub. The demonstrations and the associating threats from the traders which enjoyed a substantial amount of local media interest is likely to lead to a hold up in executing some critical aspects of the major development agenda for Kumasi’s Central Business District.

The traders have often times mounted a fierce resistance to certain decisions by the authorities meant to facilitate the development of the city particularly, the Kejetia market through a planned decongestion of the city centre. However, most of the decisions arrived at have incurred the displeasure of the city centre’s petty traders thus, creating the impression that proper consultations with the traders the major stakeholders have been lacking in the whole process of engagement.

However, according to Nana Agyenim Boateng I, who was speaking on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show in Kumasi on Monday, the Metropolis has a huge potential in revenue generation ideal for its transformation .

He said what will make it possible for the potential to be maximized is for the inhabitants particularly, traders to bury their differences and cooperate fully with both Manhyia and the city authorities to freely go ahead with its plans meant to bring magnificent development to the City and the Region as a whole.

“If Kumasi people say they voted bum bum for the NPP and that their votes cancelled the total haul of nine Regions to tilt victory in favour of the NPP , then they wield an awesome electoral power which can be capitalized on as a strong bargaining power to attract development projects from every government that is in power.

According to the Amoamanhene, from 2015 to date, between NPP and NDC, Kumasi alone has secured a total amount of 1billion350 million US Dollars has been secured purposely to develop the Region .

“Apart from the Kejetia Market, there is no uncompleted project in the country which a new government has found the urgent need to quickly advance its completion after gaining power so the traders should cooperate with the government and Manhyia in all the decisions taken consolidate the gains so far made .” He noted.

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