Be Humble, Treat Party People Fairly —- Evans Kwafo Admonishes.

Evans Kofi Kwafo, Chief Executive Officer for EKK Foundation and NPP member

Be Humble, Treat Party People Fairly —- Evans Kwafo Admonishes.

Evans Kofi Kwafo, Chief Executive Officer for EKK Foundation, a Non-governmental organisation (NGO)has advised government appointees to conduct themselves with some level of humility so as to make party people feel comfortable around them.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper Monday evening, Mr Kwafo noted with sadness the arrogance some of the appointees were displaying in the ongoing polling station elections.

This, he said was very worrying considering that most of these appointees who are Ministers and Deputy Ministers as well as CEOs were same persons the grassroot members pushed up with their votes and support.

He cautioned that if this attitude of the appointees continued the NPP would not do well in the upcoming national elections in 2024.

“We should be the last people to show arrogance having sat in opposition for 8 years and rather work with humility to put smiles on the faces of our people”, Mr Kwafo stated.

Mr Kwafo wondered why a simple polling station election was being micro managed by some of these appointees to the point that some are denied forms to submit their names as contestants.

Some of these hard working party members, the EKK Foundation CEO said have had to stand in the sun for long hours just to get forms to fill as interested delegates of the party.

Others, he noted have had to fight their way through to get the forms to fill just because someone up in the party hierarchy wants to deny the person that privilege.

“I am surprised that suddenly some Members of Parliament including regional and constituency officers have become so arrogant to the point that they don’t want to be contested in an election”, the CEO noted.

The NPP man rallied party members to remember where they had come from and display humility wherever they are placed now.

He urged government officials and appointees to show kindness to party people and accommodate them whenever they come to them.

Mr Kwafo said by doing that party members would feel safe around those they toiled to get into such high and lofty places of government.

” I call for free polls at every polling station and ask that the committees supervising the elections work to ensure a transparent process”, Mr Kwafo stressed.

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