Atwima Mponua Youth Kick Againts Imposition Of DCE

President Akufo-Addo Takes Note Of Martin Amidu’s Resignation

Atwima Mponua Youth Kick Againts Imposition Of DCE

The youth of Atwima Mponua District have, in principle, objected to the intended nomination of one Augustina Abena Osei Asare as the District Chief Executive.

The youth led by Yaw Amankwah also kicked against the nomination of one Nana Adwoa Adutwum Dwamera, who they believe has the backing of the former Sports and Youth Minister and Member of Parliament for the area.

They see the move as an imposition on the people and that it would not be right as it might sow a seed of political despondency and lead to a political lacuna in the district under the second administration of President Akufo-Addo.

The youth have thus petitioned the President not to entertain lobbying for the position by any such individuals who know next to nothing about the local politics and terrain.

In the case of Augustina Osei Asare, the petitioners stated that she has been away in Europe for the past 37 years and therefore not abreast with current developments on the socio-political and economic trends in the district.

According to the aggrieved youth, Augustina had previously been disqualified from contesting the NPP primaries on stated reasons and therefore cannot understand what had changed about her the past few months to qualify her to become a DCE.

The youth stated emphatically that Augustina Osei Asare did not campaign for the party in the last presidential and parliamentary elections in which her campaign manager, Mr. Agyarko Poku contested as a candidate.

She is also alleged to have poor working relationship with traditional leaders in the area she is seeking to manage politically.

On Nana Adwoa Dwamera, the youth said, by dint of the fact that the MP is supporting her bid renders her an easy prey for manipulation by the people who agenda she would be championing on her appointment at the expense of the unity of the party and the district.

The youth has hinted that three factions have already emerged in the district where the constituency chairman faction, the MP faction and the DCE faction are all working towards ensuring that their nominee is appointed as the next DCE for the Atwima Mponua district.

The agitators have reminded the President that by the convention of the Dankwa-Dombo-Busia tradition, hardworking and dedicated individuals and party activists who worked hard and campaigned for the party in elections are rewarded hence the need to recognize and consider such persons instead of appointing moles who have related with financiers of independent candidates at the expense of the party’s electoral fortunes.

As a result, the youth have threatened to remain apathetic when it comes to the 2024 elections and look on as the party loses in the elections to the opposition since they would not make sacrifices and bring the party to power only for others to come enjoy the fruit of their toil.

The youth have therefore pleaded with the President to nominate someone who has the track record with regards to public, administrative, social and economic acumen to implement the vision of the president in the district.

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