Ashanti Professionals Association Sends Strong Warning To Perpetrators Ahead Of Monday’s Election



Ashanti Professionals Association Sends Strong Warning To Perpetrators Ahead Of Monday’s Election

Ashanti Professionals Association has said that, they are getting reports that some Political Parties and their supporters have hatched wicked undemocratic plans to cause violence and unleash mayhem on innocent voters on the election day.

In a press release sighted by Wontumi, the Professionals hinted that, unscrupulous individuals and groups have trained hoodlums, armed with offensive weapons to cause violence and intimidate unsuspecting voters in the Ashanti Region.

They appealed to the security agencies, traditional authorities and religious bodies as a matter of urgency intervene in order to avert any possible commotion on the day of elections.

Read the full release below:




Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, we have called you here today in connection with the upcoming and crucial Presidential and Parliamentary elections slated for Monday, December 7, 2020. First of all, as Professionals working in various fields of endeavours, we would like to commend you the media for the immense role you have played and will continue to play in the last days through

Voting, the declaration of results and its aftermath.

We have however called you here today to use your respectful medium to make a clarion call on all the political players; the various political parties, Civil Society Organizations, the Clergy, Security services, the Electoral Commission and the electorate generally. Also, history of such reports and machinations in previous elections gives cause for all to stay alert and assist the security agencies to keep all polling stations safe and calm. This shall ensure a historic incident-free and good turn-out elections in our short but rich democratic experience.

As key watchers of Ghana’s political activities, we have had cause to raise concerns about the posture of some political organizations and activists as far as the impending elections are concerned.

Undoubtedly, Ghana is a beacon and a trailblazer of democracy on the continent of Africa and indeed, across the globe.

Since 1992, we have enjoyed uninterrupted democratic processes and governance. Our beloved country has successfully and peacefully organized twelve (12) consecutive elections and transitions since 1992 without much hitches.

Some intelligence we have picked from our stables constitute the major reason why we have called you here today. We are getting reports that some political organizations and their supporters have hatched wicked undemocratic plans to cause violence and unleash mayhem on innocent voters on the Election Day.

The information we have gathered is that these unscrupulous individuals and groups have trained hoodlums, armed with offensive weapons to cause violence and intimidate unsuspecting voters in the Ashanti Region.

We, therefore wish to bring to the attention of the Security Agencies, Traditional Authorities and Religious Bodies, to as a matter of urgency, intervene in order to avert any possible commotion on the day of elections.

Residents of the Ashanti Region and indeed the entire country, are peace-loving people who will not tolerate any act that has the tendency to destroy the peace and tranquility we are currently enjoying as a country.

It is our view that the upcoming elections should be about development; the Ghanaian is more concerned about development in the areas of education, health, agriculture, peace and security and their general socio-economic livelihoods.

Anything short of this will be a travesty of the country’s enviable democratic credentials.

We have a generation to protect; we need to jealously guard the peace and tranquility we are enjoying. It is for this reason that we are reiterating the call on you Ladies and Gentlemen of the media to use your respectful platforms to sound this call on all political players and the citizenry generally to respect and abide by the rules and regulations governing the upcoming general elections.



Lilyversta Nyarko



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