Apologise For ‘False’ Allegations Or Face Law Suit – Bediatuo’s Lawyers To Ga Chiefs

Apologise For ‘False’ Allegations Or Face Law Suit – Bediatuo’s Lawyers To Ga Chiefs

Lawyers for Nana Bediatuo Asante have refuted allegations levelled against their client by some Ga chiefs who claim the Executive Secretary to the President is attempting to claim title to a parcel of land close to the Sandbox Beach Resort.

A statement issued by Minkah-Premo & Co on October 1, 2020, stated that the allegations are “absolutely false.”

They also debunked claims that Mr Bediatuo owns the Sandbox Beach Resort or is in any way connected to the property.

“We state emphatically that our client does not own nor has any interest in Sandbox Beach Resort. We further state that our client has neither acquired nor claimed title to any parcel of land adjacent to it,” the statement read.

The legal firm also noted that the assertion that their client used the nation’s machinery, or took advantage of his influence in the Akufo-Addo-led government to lead armed thugs to the said site, to seize the parcel of land is “is wholly untrue and utterly despicable.”

“As an accomplished lawyer of high repute, with vast experience in land acquisition by lawful means, our client is acutely familiar with the complex legal processes of acquiring land, and therefore, does not need to resort to illegal means of any kind in order to acquire land should he wish to,” the statement added.

The legal firm, therefore, demanded that the delegation of Ga chiefs who made the “spurious, unfounded, libellous” allegations render an unqualified apology within the next 48 hours, adding that refusal to heed the demand could attract a defamation suit.

“We have advised our client on the various legal options available to him, including initiating an action in defamation in the event that the above demand is not heeded.

“It is our fervent hope that the originators of these reprehensible untruths will do the needful in order that finality can be brought to this matter,” the statement added.

The chiefs and people of La, specifically the Abafum Djaase, had said at a news conference on Thursday, 1 October 2020 that Nana Asante Bediatuo owns the Sandbox Beach Resort adding that he intends to use his influence in the country to acquire the said piece of land illegally.

The leader of the Abafum delegation, Mr Jeffrey Tetteh, said: “Just yesterday, 29th September 2020, at about 7 pm, one Nana Asante Bediatuo, who happens to be the Executive Secretary to the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and also an Akyem, once again, descended on La lands with impunity in the company of his wife or girlfriend, Sarah Femi Adetola, and some weapon-bearing thugs and destroyed a concrete wall that has just been constructed by the Abafum people of La on their land.

“Bediatuo, who acquired the Sandbox Beach Resort from one Lee Ocran, son of Ghana’s former Education Minister and diplomat, Ambassador Lee Ocran of blessed memory, in a transaction not recognised and formalised by the Abafum people and for that matter the La state, blatantly said last night that he, Bediatuo, was going to use state machinery under this NPP government to annex a parcel of land adjacent the Sandbox Beach Resort,” he added.

Mr Tetteh further cautioned Mr Bediatuo to stay off the said property or they will advise themselves.

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