Any Useless Person Can Be Ghana’s President If Mahama…- Owusu Bempah

Fixing The Country Movement To Occupy Mahama's Office In 14 Days On Airbus Corruption
Owusu Bempah

Convener of Fixing Ghana Movement, Ernest Owusu Bempah, has emphatically stated that any useless person can be President of Ghana if Ghanaians make a mistake of voting John Mahama again. 

He claims that Ghana’s Presidential seat would be the “cheapest” if the NDC’s 2020 Presidential candidate is made to seat on it again.  

According to him, Mr. Mahama’s legacy as President was poor and holds the record of the only Ghanaian President that has shamed the country on the international stage because of corruption.   

Speaking on Wontumi TV which was monitored by, Mr. Ernest Owusu Bempah stated that “any thief or useless person” can be voted as President of Ghana if Ghanaians would stand against moves by Mr. Mahama to become President again. 

“Any thief, useless person can take over as Ghana’s President if Mahama is made to be President again”, he forewarned.  

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