Akufo-Addo Needs Four More Years To Continue His Good Works- Chief Replies John Mahama

Akufo-Addo Needs Four More Years To Continue His Good Works- Chief Replies John Mahama

The Akwanserehene of Akyem Kwabeng, Etwienana Baffour Oteatuoso Kokoben II has sharply reacted to rhetorical question by John Mahama on the need for Nana Addo to be given four more years to rule the country.

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) posed the question at Wassa-Daboase in the western Region when addressing the chief and people of the area

But in his quick response, Nana Oteasuoso said President Akufo-Addo needs another four more years to continue his good works, i.e the Planting for Food and Jobs, make the sure free SHS policy is firm and the teacher-nursing trainees keep enjoying their allowances.

According to the Akyem Royal who was participating in a discussion on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show on Wednesday morning, John Mahama has already committed himself by saying that,” the first four years of every President is used to lay the foundation and another four years to put up the superstructure on the foundation .

Replying to another remarks by John Mahama on Woezor TV that, “ the only policy Akufo-Addo can boast of is the Free SHS,” Nana Oteatuoso retorted that such comments by the NDC flagbearer is an indication that he has noticed the fantastic achievements of Nana Akufo-Addo.

“John Mahama is aware that, President Akufo-Addo has performed better than him but he cannot say it in the open.” He said

The NPP sympathizer noted, “Nana Akufo-Addo should disregard John Mahama’s negative comments. because he is behaving like the one being pierced by the Pastor’s pineapple leaves . His comments ate just sour grapes because he can’t compare his achievement to Nana Addo’s.

Nana Oteatuoso further advised Nana Addo not to be distracted by the oppositions negative comments “ because the more John Mahama makes references to the NPP’s achievements even though with a pinch of salt, the more popular they become. He is not only showing his ignorance but his cynic character.”

“John Mahama said he won’t invest Ghc2.2m into free SHS but Akufo-Addo has done it and he has become ashamed of his pessimism and narrow vision.” He slammed the former leader.

The firebrand NPP supporters said that, every household has benefited from the policy and the NDC flagbearer can not pretend he does not know about this ground breaking achievement on the NPP”

” Secretly the former president looking at his demeanour has admitted that majority of Ghanaians have accepted the free SHS policy because they also want graduates in their homes .” He told Oheneba Nana Asiedu

Nana Oteatuoso used the occasion to remind Ghanaians that, Nana Akufo-Addo is first on the ballot paper and that every electorate should just raise his head up on the election and vote “bum bum bum” for the President

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