Akufo-Addo Highlights His Achievements As Elections Get Closer

Akufo-Addo Highlights His Achievements As Elections Get Closer

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says after winning the 2016 general election overwhelmingly and his subsequent swearing-in into office on January 7, 2017, he and his government “have embraced the application of digital technology in the delivery of public services”.

He added that the allowances of both trainee nurses and teachers which was scrapped by the erstwhile John Dramani Mahama administration had to be restored by his government.

Akufo-Addo, in a post on his Facebook timeline on Monday, while gloating over some of his achievements so far, stated that the one constituency one ambulance initiative is a unique achievement by his government within the context of the history of Ghana.

“We have reduced the benchmark values of import duties by as much as 50%, and, in the case of vehicles, by 30%; we have put an end to the Unemployed Graduates Association, which was such a sad feature of the Mahama years, by creating Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) and several other job creation initiatives targeted at the youth.

We have systematically enhanced the capacity of the anti-corruption institutions of the State; and we have superintended over the successful reorganization of our regional governance structure, resulting in the creation of six (6) new regions, with strong popular support,” the post read.

The Akufo-Addo led administration is very confident of victory in the polls whilst the opposition believes that the incumbent party had lied its way into government, Ghanaians are fed-up with the lies and heavy corruption of gargantuan proportions, and will consequently return the NDC to power so that they can correct their mistakes.

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