After Drinking Cold Beers, You Scream #FixTheCountry – MP Slams Conveners

After Drinking Cold Beers, You Scream #FixTheCountry - MP Slams Conveners
Hon. Nana Ayew Afriyie

The Member of Parliament for Effiduase-Asokore constituency, Hon. Nana Ayew Afriyie, has taken on the Conveners for #FixTheCountry and advised them to conduct a proper research before describing Ghana as a failed state.

According the MP those calling for Ghana to be fixed are mainly people living in Accra with little information about what the government is doing in most deprived communities.

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“They sit in Accra, eat, get full and walk on their tarred roads screaming fix it.
They should come to Effiduase and see the before and after events taking place here”, he said to highlight the development taking place in his constituency.

He compared the people behind the #FixTheCountry campaign to people who are okay in life and clamoring after taking some bottles of cold beers.

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