Adwoa Safo, Henry Quartey, Ken Agyapong Dragged To Privileges Committee Over Absenteeism

Adwoa Safo, Henry Quartey, Ken Agyapong Dragged To Privileges Committee Over Absenteeism

The Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin, has referred three Members of Parliament, Sarah Adwoa Safo, Henry Quartey, and Kennedy Agyepong to the Privileges Committee for absenting themselves from over fifteen sittings of the House.

According to the Speaker, the absence of the MPs without his permission constitutes a breach of the rules of the house.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament, Alban Bagbin urged the committee to provide its report to the house two weeks after the House reconvenes from recess.

A former Member of Parliament for Kumbumgu Constituency, Ras Mubarak, petitioned the Speaker of Parliament to deal with the matter of absenteeism in the House.

He cited Dome-Kwabenya MP, Sarah Adwoa Safo; Henry Quartey, the MP for Ayawaso Central, and Ebenezer Kojo Kum, the MP for Ahanta West and Ken Ohene Agyapong, MP for Assin Central as MPs who he said had flouted provisions of Article 97(1)(c) of the Constitution and Parliament’s Standing Order 16(1) which frowns on Members absenting themselves for 15 sitting days without permission from the speaker.

Per Article 97(1)(c) of the 1992 Constitution, a Member of Parliament shall vacate his seat “if he is absent, without the permission in writing of the Speaker, and he is unable to offer a reasonable explanation to the Parliamentary Committee on Privileges from fifteen sittings of a meeting of Parliament during any period that Parliament has been summoned to meet and continues to meet.”

The petition copied the leadership of both sides of the House. Mubarak said according to Parliament’s Hansard, four New Patriotic Party (NPP) MPs have flouted the rule on absenteeism and should be made to appear before the Privileges Committee of the House.

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