Ablekuma Central Drainage System Improved Under Nana Addo’s Government

Ablekuma Central Drainage System Improved Under Nana Addo’s Government

Ablekuma Central Municipal Chief Executive, Madam Mariama Karley Amui, on Wednesday took his turn to showcase the Government’s achievements on Wontumi TV/Radio’s popular Election 2020 political programme hosted by Oheneba Nana Asiedu.

In her presentation she said through the exceptional lobbying skills of the MP for the area, Hon Ebenezer Nii Nortey, the road infrastructure has received a big boost.

“Our drainage system has greatly been improved with the rehabilitation of the deplorable roads aggressively being done.”

According to her there has also been a massive storm drain construction project in the Municipality which is progressing steadily.

Madam Karley Amui, also recounted how the rehabilitation of the Sukura Market which was in a very deplorable state started.

According to the MCE was through the initiative of the first Lady, Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo, that the market has seen a major transformation.

“The First Lady learnt of the deplorable nature of the market while she was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 elections and made a promise to rebuild it if her husband became the President and lo and behold she has fulfilled her promise by giving a face lift to the very busy Sukura Market market.

Madam Karley Amui referred to the President as” A promise keeper” because almost all the promises he made to the people in Ablekuma Central before the 2016 elections have been fulfilled.

The projects showcased include:

A. Education
1No unit Classroom, office and washroom for kindergarten
A fence wall at Trinity Family Catholic School
6-unit classroom block at Al Royal School
Renovation of Da-Awaful Kindergarten
Distribution of Desks to schools
B. Water & Sanitation
Construction of public standpipes and extension of water to communities
C. Road
Renovation and maintenance works of 1km road –A bossey Okai
D. Agric
Distribution of mango seedlings under the Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD) Project
Aggressive programme to promote backyard gardening
Social Intervention Programmes
Disbursement of funds t PWD’s

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