(VIDEO) A/R:Two Female Police Officers Interdicted For Taking Bribe

Ashanti Regional Police Command has interdicted two female police officers for allegedly harassing a driver and taking a bribe from him.

They have been identified as Inspector Martha Ackah and Sergeant Felicia Ocran,stationed at the Asokwa Divisional Motor Traffic and Transport Department, in Kumasi.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP)Godwin Ahyiano, Head of the Command’s Public Affairs Unit,described their actions as very “unprofessional”.

He said in line with the Police internal disciplinary procedures, the two after investigation would be prosecuted to serve as deterrents to others.

The two were said to have been detailed to ensure discipline on the Atonsu-Lake Road and incidentally were captured on a video demanding money from a tipper truck driver after they stopped him.

It was not very clear as to why they stopped the driver but it was clear in the video when the driver gave ghc10.00 which was received by Sergeant Ocran.

The video has gone viral on social media.
Sergeant Ocran, in the video, was heard saying “…we will take you to the Asokwa Police station”.

“We have even considered you”, she said after taking the money.

“We would like to urge the affected victims to come forward and support police investigation to enable us to take the officers through the due process of the law as we seek to ensure that our officers uphold the highest form of professional standards”, ASP Ahianyo indicated in a statement.

Watch the video below..


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