A/R: NADMO Donates Relief Items To Police, Stranded Fire Victims

A/R: NADMO Donates Relief Items To Police, Stranded Fire Victims

The National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) has distributed relief items to displaced Police Officers hit by torrential rains and stranded fire victims in the Ashanti region.

Some houses roof at the Ashanti Regional Police Headquarters barracks ripped after heavy downpour in the region while fire destroyed over 3 bedroom houses at AshTown in the Manhyia South Constituency.

The victims have been stranded after the incident occurred.

Some of the relief items NADMO officials donated to the victims included mosquito coils, blankets, plastic materials, rice, cooking oil, roofing sheets among others.

This followed an assessment of damage to property and disruption of the livelihood of people in the areas following heavy rains and fire outbreak in the Ashanti Region.

The Director-General of NADMO, Mr Eric Nana Agyemang-Prempeh, accompanied the Ashanti Regional NADMO team to tour the Ashanti Regional Police Headquarters barracks and visited the fire victims at Kumasi AshTown.

NADMO Director General Mr Agyemang-Prempeh while sympathising with the victims advised the public to be on the lookout for more rains in the coming days and take precautionary measures.

According to him, “though I’m yet to receive a report of the fire outbreak from Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) but through my assessment, I believe poor electrification caused the fire outbreak”

He therefore charged Ghanaians to rely on qualified electricians for their wiring to help reduce unwanted fire outbreaks.

The Deputy Ashanti Regional Police Commander DCOP David Agyemang Adjem who received the items on behalf of the Regional Police Command expressed gratitude to the NADMO Director General, Mr Agyemang-Prempeh and government for coming to the aid of stranded police officers.

Meanwhile the fire victims speaking in an interview with Pure FM’s Osei Kwadwo said life has become unbearable and difficult after fire destroyed their hard earned properties.

“We are grateful to NADMO Director General for coming into our aid. We have been stranded and we have nowhere to stay after the incident. We are appealing to NADMO and government to support us to get another place” they said.

From: Ambassador Osei Kwadwo

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