A/R: Bosomtwe DCE Commissions CHPS Compound @ Pipie, Appeals To Residents To Vote For Nana To Do More

A/R: Bosomtwe DCE Commissions CHPS Compound @ Pipie, Appeals To Residents To Vote For Nana To Do More

It was An atmosphere of a mixture of happiness and sadness welcomed the commission of a CHPS compound at at Pipie, a farming community in the Bosomtwe Constituency.

The commission wass performed by the District Chief Executive, Hon Lawyer Joseph Kwasi Asuming.

Speaking at the ceremony which was monitored by Wontumionline.com, Hon. Asuming emphasized that, what is important in life is good health.

He said that, anything that promotes good health and prevents death must therefore be supported.

According to Hon. Lawyer Asuming, President Akufo-Addo has done a lot for people at Pipie and for that matter he needs their support on 7th December to do more for them.

He disclosed that, government is constructing a Police Station in the District to reduce the high incidence of crime in the area.

He added that, all the deplorable roads at Pipie and other areas are under fixation.

Hon. Lawyer Asuming further disclosed that, government has constructed about 9 Kindergarten schools, 14 Primary Schools, 3 Junior High Schools and 4 Senior High Schools in the last three and half years.

“The school feeding programme here has been increased from 32 to 50 schools but I am still lobbying for more.” He said

The Bosomtwe DCE said that, a green house farming project is also on course in the area.


He added that, government has distributed over 70000 palm seedlings to the farmers in the area.


Hon. Lawyer Asuming admonished the residents to stop defecating and polluting the Lake because it serves as a major tourist attraction.

“You would pay a fine of Ghc15million or jailed 6 months if you are caught polluting the Lake.” He cautioned.

Hon. Lawyer Asuming further advised the residents to continue observing the COVID-19 precautionary measures because the disease is still in the system.

He said that, the achievements of President Akufo-Addo are overwhelming, “they speak for themselves”

“You must show appreciation for the achievements for Nana Addo and our MP, Hon. Osei Yaw Adutwum but voting overwhelmingly for them on 7th December. What Nana Akufo-Addo has done for you is marvelous. It is not easy to construct CHP compound. We need four more years to do more for you. We can’t use just four years to finish all the projects.” He appealed to the electorate at Pipie.

For her part, the Queen mother of the area, Nana Akua Amoah Boatemaa, chipped in that, it is indeed a mixed feelings for them because they never dreamt of such project to be built in the area.

She disclosed that, every month she has to go for check-up at a nearby hospital at a high cost but it has stopped now.

“Seeking medical care will not be our plight anymore. We will come for medical care here when we are sick” Nana Boatemaa said

She asked for God’s blessings to be bestowed on Hon. Lawyer Asuming and replenish whatever he has lost.

The residents commended Nana Akufo-Addo and the Hon. DCE for the wonderful project.

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