A Breast-Shaped Rock At Nkwanta South Discovered, It Dates Back Millions of Years.

A Breast-Shaped Rock At Nkwanta South Discovered, It Dates Back Millions of Years.


The Nkwanta South District Chief Executive, Hon Thasun John, has recounted some of the hidden treasures of the newly created Oti Region that can add up to the country’s list of exclusive tourism potentials to increase its GDP.

They are the Kyabobo Forest, the hanging Village at Shaire and the Breast Rock formation whichdates back million of years.

Hon Thasun who was speaking exclusively to wontumionline.com explained that the three potential tourist products have been well-noted by the Assembly and would soon be exploited.

According to him, “the three endowments which are still in their natural form are ready to be exploited because they have the potential to be an investor’s pick.”

He however, disclosed that, the District Assembly will soon roll-out a strategic plan as a first step in creating public awareness of what Nkwanta South can offer for their attraction to be acknowledged locally.

“After the stakeholder engagement we can hit the road running to attract investor participation in exploiting the full potentials of our resource to generate revenue.”

He said the Breast Mountain for instance easily passes as one of “nature’s rare wonders.”
Hon Thasun explained that the mysterious rock formation has a perfect design of a woman’s breast.

But he however, could not conclude whether it has any mystic relevance that would have made it a sacred object adding that there’s the possibility that it was positioned there for a reason.

“It has the perfect shape of a fully developed woman’s breast with its perfect contours and curves perfectly cut out to arouse the senses of the one who can easily be seduced by seeing the female’s firmly shaped breast.” He noted.

On the Kyabobo Forest, Hon Thasun said it is classified as a sacred forest cover. It stretches over a vast area of the Nkwanta South District and is purely a virgin that serves as a habitat for several wild animal species including elephants.

“It has been preserved by our elders since the ancient times and according the elders it harbours powerful spirits and this has kept at bay encroachers especially, poachers who would have recklessly plundered its flora and fauna.” He said.

a suspended fortress for the residents. Its history is yet to be documented but the Hon. DCE believes that its incredible and picturesque nature could offer a lot of excitement for archaeologists in gathering scientific data on the Hanging Village.

He said the Assembly is considering the construction of a canopy walk way to link the twin mountainous enclaves to boost its tourist’s potential. The place cannot be accessed by means of any motorized transport vehicle.

“You have to walk the full distance which is quite stressful before you can connect to the residents at the mountain top.” He said.

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