Emergency Repair Works To Commence On Community 18 Bridge Tunnel – Roads Ministry

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has announced that it will commence emergency repair works on the Community 18 Bridge Tunnel on the Tema Motorway.

According to a statement by the ministry, the repair works on the Community 18-Borteyman underpass will begin on Sunday, September 10, 2023.

This development comes as a response to the necessity of addressing structural concerns and maintaining the integrity of the Community 18 Bridge Tunnel, the statement said.

As a result, the ministry has urged the public to adhere to the provided safety protocols during the conduction period.

“The Ghana Highway Authority is therefore appealing to the motoring public to cooperate with the engineers of the Bridge Maintenance unit by adhering to the traffic management systems to be put in place while the repair works are ongoing.

“We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused,” parts of the statement read.

Below is the full statement by the Ministry of Roads and Highways






Source: www.ghanaweb.com

By wontumionline