Marriage Is Not For Better For Worse And Not For Everyone- Counsellor Lutterodt

Marriage counsellor Cyril George Lutterodt, has opined that marriage is not everyone and thus it’s not a must for everyone to marry.

He said the vows exchange during wedding ceremony where the couple say to each other ‘ for better for worse’ has been misquoted over the years.

“We just don’t understand what marriage is.  We need to observe our partners and get to know who they are. We shouldn’t expect others to know our spouses more than we do. Vivid observation is key for you to know your partner better. Some pastors have made marriage look like a law which cannot be violated and therefore it’s a shame to divorce your partner. That is very bad”, he said this while speaking on Movement In The Morning Show on Movement TV/ Wontumi Radio

“How do you live with a man who has mental mental illness and he’s maltreating you- or a spouse who hasn’t been impactful in your life and yet continue to stay with such a person because you think it will get better? “, he asked.

By wontumionline