2nd Phase of Kejetia Market Redevelopment: Regional Minister Gives Traders 4-Days Ultimatum To Evacuate Else Face His Wrath

2nd Phase of Kejetia Market Redevelopment: Regional Minister Gives Traders 4-Days Ultimatum To Evacuate Else Face His Wrath


Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon Simon Osei Mensah has given traders at the Kejetia-Central market 4 days ultimatum to evacuate the market to pave way for the construction of the 2nd phase of the market.

Hon. Osei Mensah stressed that, latest by Saturday, 13/03/2021 the traders at the zone 1 and 2 should evacuate to where authorities have given them.

Speaking at a press conference which was captured by wontumionline.com, the Regional Minister fumed that the traders should blame themselves for the loss of their property if they fail to comply with the instructions.

He said the traders were asked to evacuate on 7th March but failed to honour the order and that has made him to extend the date.

“It’s our sole responsibility to construct the market so the stakeholders would not be disappointed in us.”

The Ashanti Regional Minister noted that, the construction of the Market is for the development of Asanteman and for that matter the traders they should adhere to the order.

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