2ND Coming OF Nana Addo Will Result In Improved Roads, Assin Central MCE Promises Residents

2ND Coming OF Nana Addo Will Result In Improved Roads, Assin Central MCE Promises Residents

The Assin Central Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Hon. Nicholas Kofi Baako has suggested to the people of the Municipality that their high expectations of the government should not be limited to only the provision of roads but the general improvement of all sectors of the economy.

The MCE who was lamenting the poor road network in some parts of his Municipality confirmed that contracts awarded to some contractors had to be terminated while other s are under serious consideration of being terminated because of unsatisfactory work.

According to him, he is seriously considering terminating the contract for the re-habilitation of the 5km Fosu By-Pass road. However, the one from Fosu – Fosu Dumase has already been l terminated. Also terminated is the Nyankumasi New road project..

Hon Kofi Baako was speaking on Wontumi TV/FM on Tuesday when he took his turn on the Election 2020 programme which allows MMDCE’s to showcase their achievements for the station’s teeming audience across the globe to appraise themselves of the government’s achievements in the area of infrastructural development.

Hon Baa ko also disclosed that new Senior High School( SHS) buildings will soon be built at Worakese Akropong and Awusam.


Construction of 1No Semi- Detached Nurses Bungalow at Assin Fosu
Construction of CHPs Compound at Assin Dompim
Donation of hospital equipment and donation of monitor bikes to health centres
Procurement of Theatre Equipment for Assin Fosu Government hospital
Renovation of Fosu Health Director bungalow
Donation of 40,000 to St. Joseph Hospital by MP for Assin Central, Hon Kennedy Agyapong
Establishment of Assinman Nursing and Midwifery Training School

Donation of GhC60,000 to Assinman Nursing and Midwifery Training School
Refurbishing of Fosu Polyclinic maternity

(1) Education
Construction of 1No 3 Unit classroom block at Assin Fosu Basic School
Construction of 1No unit classroom building with ancillary facility at Wurakese
Construction of Classroom block with ancillary facility at Swedru Akuapem M/A basic School
Cladding of 8-unit classroom Block at Obiri Yeboah Senior High school
Construction of 3 unit classroom block at Fosco Demonstration School
Construction of 3 unit ancillary facility at Atonsu M/A School
Construction of 3unit classroom block at Fosu Methodist Basic School
Upgrading of Obiri Yeboah SHS – I storey Dormitory Block

(2) Water And Sanitation
1No10 seated water closet at Assin Dompim
10 seater water closet toilet at Assin Fosu
10sSeater water closet toilet at Assin Juaso
Constructioon of 13 water boreholes at Assin Fosu
Construction of community water project for Assin Fosu
Construction of Community-based mechanized water project at Assin Nyaduam
Extension of water facility to market centers and other public places within the municipality

(3) Dredging of river at Assin Fosu
Distribution of toilet facilities for reduce cases of open defecation

(4) Energy Infrastructure
System improvement at Fosu Dansemanu
Transfer of 33kV transformer with ]in the Municipality
Supply and installation of 250No street lights and bulbs at Assin Fosu
Support to People with disabilities (PEWD)
Construction of community center at Assin Fosu railways

(5) Roads
Construction of culverts at Obrayekor
Construction of Culverts at Nyaduam
Construction of 0.3m culvert at Wurakese
Reshaping of Fosu Dunkwa road

(6) Market
Construction of Jumsco Market
Construction of Open Market shed at Juaso
Development of Artisan Village at Assin Nyankuamsi
Construction of ware house under 1D1F
Establishment of IDIF Oil palm processing factory

(7) Agriculture
Construction of vetinary clinic at Assin Fosu ( Phase II)
Distribution of 40,000 oil palm seedlings to farmers under PERD
Supply of 7No motor bicycles
Has built the capacity of business women
Supply of subsidized maize seeds under Planting For Food and Jobs (PFFJ)
Social Broiler Project under PFFJ

Construction of 3-unit self contained bungalow for high court judge
Furnishing of MTTD office
Renovation of Fosu District Court

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