You’re In Trouble If You Don’t Pay Your Taxes – Kurt Okraku After Vetting

Ghana Football Association (GFA) President Kurt Okraku exuded confidence following his vetting on Monday, as the presidential election next month draws near.

The vetting process for presidential aspirants unfolded at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, with Okraku leading the proceedings, followed by former GFA Vice President George Afriyie.

After successfully completing his vetting session, Kurt Okraku addressed a pivotal aspect that candidates are evaluated upon—their integrity and tax compliance. He emphasised that the integrity session scrutinizes critical factors like tax payments and the avoidance of false declarations. Okraku articulated, “Obviously, you would have to go through the integrity session. Whether you’ve paid your taxes. So, if you don’t pay your tax, you are in trouble and whether you’ve not made any false declaration whatsoever in relation to this opening.”

Despite the thoroughness of these assessments, Okraku displayed confidence in the vetting process. He stated, “I think that it was smooth. I am very confident that given what I shared I will go through smoothly and then we will be ready for the elections.”

Okraku, who secured the FA Presidency in 2019 after triumphing over George Afriyie and other contenders, is now seeking re-election for a second term.

The GFA Elections Committee will announce their decisions on Monday, August 28, providing further clarity on the candidates’ eligibility.

The upcoming Elective Congress is scheduled for September 27 in Tamale, where the new leadership and Executive Council members of the Ghana Football Association will be determined.

Source: 3News
By wontumionline