You Become A “Terrorist” Just By Joining NDC- Victor Owusu Ansah

You Become A “Terrorist” Just By Being NDC Member- Victor Owusu Ansah

Ghanaians are already living with “terrorists” who are strongly associated to the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Victor Owusu Ansah, a member of the New Patriotic Party’s communication team has said.

Mr. Owusu Ansah on Friday, February 10, 2023 stated on Wontumi TV that the provocative comment statements made by Razak Avoliya that the NDC will not hesitate to shed blood if it is what it will take to win power, shows clearly that they are “terrorists” living in Ghana.

We are already leaving with terrorists in Ghana…they are all in the NDC, look no further”, Victor Owusu Ansah said as he stated that violence isn’t the way to win political power in Ghana.

Victor Owusu Ansah insisted that “the plans in Asiedu Nketia’s head, Fifi Kwetey’s head, Razak’s head and that of Joseph Yamin” shows that the National executive of the NDC are plotting to unleash mayhem in the impending 2024 general elections.

Razak Avoliya-a member of the NDC who was captured on video inciting political violence ahead of the 2024 general elections.

In an interview with journalist, Razak was heard encouraging the NDC not to hesitate to shed blood if it is what it will take to win power.

“As journalist, you were witnesses to a situation where people were shot and killed in the 2020 elections. So standing here today, I am to make that no NPP member can come and kill me.”

“So we are in and I will advise every true NDC member that in the 2024 elections when it becomes necessary to kill someone to win, kill them; even if it requires that you shoot someone or club them to win us power do it”, the NDC man said.

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