Wontumi Shifted Rawlings’ Mind…Initiated Moves For Him To Cross Carpet- Ernest Owusu Bempah

Founder of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the late former President Jerry John Rawlings nearly joined the New Patriotic Party (NPP) because Chairman Wontumi had initiated series of meetings to get him.

Mr. Ernest Owusu Bempah, a close friend to the family of the late Rawlings revealed on Wontumi TV that Chairman Wontumi engaged him severally on ways to get the late President cross carpet to the NPP.

“Who in the NPP can do what Chairman Wontumi can do? He once came to my house late in the night and the reason was that he wanted to bring Rawlings to NPP. He wanted to shift the mind of Rawlings so that he would favor the NPP”, Owusu Bempah said.

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