Women Value Sex Over Money In Relationships – Uncle Ebo Whyte

Women Value Sex Over Money In Relationships – Uncle Ebo Whyte

According to Uncle Ebo Whyte, money is not enough to effectively and efficiently run a relationship at full steam. He recommends that sex, care and attention is much more important than tangible materials.

Uncle Ebo Whyte revealed this during a discussion about his book, Let’s Talk About Sex, on Showbiz 360 with Giovani Caleb.

He insisted that if money were to be enough to sustain relationships, then billionaires like Bill Gates wouldn’t have found themselves on the divorce side of the spectrum.

He said, “Give your woman money. All the money in the world. And Let me show her care, let me make love to her heart and her mind, she will take your money and bring it to me.”

Uncle Ebo Whyte may have unearthed the formulae to grab and maintain a woman’s attention. He said, “Let me show her that I care, let me give her attention, let me let her know that I cherish her, and she would take your money and bring it to me.”

Let’s Talk About Sex is a book written by the famous playwright Uncle Ebo Whyte about sex and so much more. This is what he had to say about it, “If you read it with years of marriage behind you, you will wish you had read this much earlier. If you read it before marriage, you will save yourself and your partner years of frustration and disgust.”

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