Why Didn’t John Mahama, Dormaahene Support Adamu Sakande Like Gyakye Quayson? – Lawyer Ampaw

Why Didn’t John Mahama, Dormanhene Support Adamu Sakande Like Gyakye Quayson? - Lawyer Ampaw

Renowned legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw has named and shamed agents of selective justice in Ghana.

He specifically named former President John Dramani Mahama and Dormaahene, Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Agyemang Badu II of being hypocritical in their loud call for the Attorney General to discontinue the trail of Gyakye Quayson.

According to lawyer Ampaw, the two men never found their voice when the court found the late Adamu Sakande guilty of perjury and forgery- the same charge being used against the Member of Parliament for Assin North, Mr. Quayson.

“Where were you when Saknade had the same problem?… Mahama didn’t consider him as brother form the north to even direct the AG to enter nolle prosequi. You Dormaahene were in the country and the man (Sakande) was imprisoned. He went to prison for 2 years and died afterward, but with Gyakye Quayson he (Dormaahene) is pleading- what kind of selected justice is that?” he asked.

Sakande and Quayson’s case

In July 2012, a New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Adamu Dramani Sakande, was convicted by an Accra High Court after he was found guilty of perjury and forgery.

This was after he failed to denounce UK Citizenship before contesting for the Bawku Seat.

The accused is also alleged to have registered as a voter when the voters’ register was opened and subsequently went ahead to vote in the December 2008 general elections, when he was not entitled to do so.

Gyakye Quayson is currently facing charges of perjury and forgery related to his Canadian citizenship status at the time of filing his nomination forms for the 2020 parliamentary election.

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