We’ll Win 2024 With Grassroot Based Campaign — Francis Adomako.

We’ll Win 2024 With Grassroot Based Campaign — Francis Adomako.


The incumbent Ashanti Regional Organiser for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Francis Adomako has appealed to party members who would be voting in the upcoming regional elections to retain him at his current position.

He noted his desire to lead the party to prosecute a purely grassroots campaign ahead of the 2024 General elections in Ashanti.

Speaking to the media last week, Mr Adomako said the party had done a marvellous job these 6 years and would need to propagate the policies and programs in a better way by using the grassroots approach.

“I know every Ghanaian has benefitted from the good policies and programs introduced and implemented by the Nana Addo administration but we would still need to tell the story our own way and that’s where my competences come in because I promise to lead us to tell the story the grassroot way”, Mr Adomako stated.

As Regional Organiser, Mr Adomako promised to resource the various wings under him.

He said wings such as the youth organiser, Women’s Organiser as well as the nasara coordinators in the region needed resources to properly coordinate their activities.

This coordination, he noted needed someone who could lead to lobby for resources to prosecute mandates assigned these wings.

“Some of us by God’s grace have gotten more knowledge on how to effectively collaborate to prosecute a well-oiled campaign and together with the women’s wing, youth wing and Nasara we would make the election 2024 campaign a vibrant one”, Mr Adomako noted.

Popularly called “Francois”, the regional organiser promised to intensify grassroots mobilisation as well as carry out refresher courses to upgrade the knowledge base of organisers of the party.

Persons occupying positions as organisers at polling stations as well as constituency levels would be engaged regularly to learn about their duties so that they could prosecute their mandates effectively, Mr Adomako disclosed.

The policy of providing motor bikes to organisers and party people in the hinterlands Mr Adomako said would be revived so that party people would be mobile to carry out grassroots work.

“I am ever ready to lead the charge given to us as a party to work and break the 8 year government cycle and I promise that when I am given a second term the party would feel the presence of the Ashanti Region that we are a determined bunch”, Mr Adomako stated.


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