We Expect You To Work To Give Asanteman Massive Facelift- Issah Alhassan To Deputy Minister-Designates

We Expect You To Work To Give Asanteman Massive Facelift- Issah Alhassan To Deputy Minister-Designates

The Press secretary to the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. Issah Alhassan has charged the Ashanti Regional Deputy Minister nominees to let the development of Asanteman be their topmost priority.

He said that, the Deputy Minister-Designates should work hard to give the strong hold of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) a massive facelift.

Mr. Alhassan who spoke on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show on Thursday urged the Deputy Minister nominees to learn lessons from their predecessors in order for them to be successful.


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cautioned that, “the Deputy Minister nominees should note that, they have gotten the opportunity to work for the people but not to make wealth for themselves.”

“They should be humbled, committed and respectful to the party executives like Chairman Wontumi, et al who are struggling to develop Asanteman,” he further urged.

However, Mr. Alhassan emphasized that, a section of the NPP members who are criticizing the nominees must stop.

“No nominee went to the Presidency to ask for appointment from the President. The President himself knows their capabilities and gave them the appointments so we should give credit to them rather than criticizing them.” He admonished

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