Video: When Akufo-Addo Was Talking About Policies, You Were Showboating Like Usain Bolt- Mahama Fired

Video: When Akufo-Addo Was Talking About Policies, You Were Showboating Like Usain Bolt- Mahama Fired

A Communications team member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Yaw Opoku Mensah has described the National Democratic Congress (NDC) under the leadership of former President Mahama as a non serious political party in the history of Ghana.

Mr. Opoku Mensah stated on a show on Wontumi TV that before the former President lost power to current President, Nana Akufo-Addo, he was interested in showboating to Ghanaians instead of talking about policies.

You will find Mahama on stage performing like Usain Bolt when Nana was going round talking about policies“, the NPP communicator recounted.



His comments comes on the back of a statement by the 2020 flagbearer of the NDC that the party lost the elections because of illiteracy.

According to Mr. Mahama, “every region was asked to account for its performance in the 2020 elections. They came with reports and there was one region who stated that ‘some of our party agents were illiterate, they could not read or write…and the chairman asked, but who made them party agents?“.

But responding to the above statement, Mr. Opoku Mensah noted that the NDC under Mr. Mahama, has never been prepared for an election.

He continued that the stance of the NDC when the Electoral Commission (EC) wanted to compile a new voters’ register in 2020 clearly showed they were not interested in the elections but rather, demonstrations.

They were never prepared for elections…when the EC wanted to have a new register, they rather pumped GHC1 million into demonstrations. They knew they had some ghost names in the old register so wanted to depend on it for the elections“, he said.

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