(VIDEO) Kwabre East Has The Most Poorest Road Network In Ashanti Region

Hon. Simon Osei- Mensah has disclosed the constituency that has the poorest road network in Ashanti Region.

According to Simon Osei- Mensah who was speaking on Wontumi TV Morning Show on Wednesday, the constituency with the  poorest road network is the Kwabere East.

He said the poor nature of the roads in the constituency depicts that much concentration is given to the constituency.

He bemoaned that in the first term of Akufo-Addo, there was autopiloting of roads until COVID-19 erupted.

He said due to lack of funds most of the road contractors have left sites except for the ‘skeleton workers’.

Hon. Simon Osei Mensah said the government is making a frantic effort to secure funds for the contractors so they return to the sites.

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