Video: John Mahama’s Visit To Ho Shrine For Juju- Abronye Reveals

Video: John Mahama's Visit To Ho Shrine For Juju- Abronye Reveals

Former President John Dramani Mahama, has been exposed by the New Patriotic Party’s Bono Regional Chairman, Kwame Baffoe, of visiting a shrine in Ho for juju to up his political game.

The 2020 defeated flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress has been captured on tape stating that aside deliberately using propaganda to paint him black, members of the NPP used magic and voodoo to make him look irrelevant in the eyes of electorates.

Mr. Mahama claims the spell contributed to his defeat in the 2016 Presidential elections.
But responding to the allegation made by the former President, Kwame Baffoe also known as Abronye stated on the Nsempa Fie Show that it is rather Mr. Mahama that has been visiting shrines to fortify his political fortunes.



According to Abronye, Mr. Mahama once visited a shrine in Ho Central to meet a voodoo priest to enhance his chances of winning the 2020 Presidential elections.

He (Mahama) has the gut to say NPP members visits shrines? He went to the shrine at night for powers to face the 2020 elections and because his powers didn’t work, he thinks NPP members have a special deity they serve“, the Bono NPP Chairman said on the show monitored by

He continued that Mr. Mahama went to seek powers from a deity with “rotten teeth” and advised him to note that no one in the Akufo-Addo led government has time to see dieties for political powers.

Abronye noted that the bad governance of Mr. Mahama made him lose power and that his defeat shouldn’t be attributed to the work of a voodoo priest.

Former President Mahama, according to Abronye didn’t run a listening government and opted to do things his own way.

When we were telling him about bad roads he responded that Nana Akufo-Addo sleeps anytime he is touring the country“, Abronye said.

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