Universities Senior Staff Suspends Strike Action

Universities Senior Staff Suspends Strike Action

The Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association (FUSSAG) has called off their industrial strike action with immediate effect.

According to George Ansong, a member of the Executive Council of the Senior Staff, the meeting they had with the National Labour Commission and the Education Ministry was fruitful.

“The government has paid the principal amount and left the interest of our Tier 2. We had a discussion on it with the labour commission and the Education Ministry and we have been promised that a committee will soon meet to address it,” he said on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show.

Ansong indicated that, “per the labour law you can’t engage in negotiations while on strike. If we don’t want to call off the strike then the negotiations can’t be held, and if we don’t heed to the urges of the labour commission we can be dragged to a compulsory arbitration.” he noted.

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