Twene Jonas Exposed As He Admits He’s Doing Everything He Does for Views – Video

Twene Jonas has shocked quite a number of Ghanaians after being caught on camera admitting he does what he does just for views on the internet.

Jonas has been spotted in a damaging video admitting he lies online for clout – no different than what our celebrities do in their normal lives.

Jonas’ admission is more shocking because he has anointed himself as the truth sayer calling out the incompetent Ghanaian leaders destroying our country.

The video ‘exposing’ Jonas was posted by U.S based Ghanaian entertainer Archipalago.

Palago has held a deep hatred for Jonas ever since he broke out and has been trying all he can to bring him down.

Jonas finally gave him the opportunity with his admission.

In the video, Jonas is live when another Ghanaian in the U.S approaches him.

The gentleman was heckling Jonas, hounding him to show him his Lamborghini that he has been bragging with online.

Jonas obviously has no Lamborghini so he tried claiming his car is actually a Porsche, and the gentleman said he should still take him to see this Porsche.

Jonas didn’t have a Porsche either so he tried pausing the video to get rid of the guy heckling him.

Unknown to him, he had failed to pause the video.

Thinking the video was paused, Jonas admitted to the gentleman that all the bragging he does is for views.

Ghanaians got everything on video since Jonas failed to pause the video.


Archipalago is trying to make it seem Jonas’ attacks on Ghanaian leaders are invalid because he admitted to doing what he does for views.

It seems clear Jonas admitted he lies about his flashy life for views and for his music career – there is no lie in what he says about our leaders.

Unless Archipalago wants to claim that life in Ghana is heaven and there is no suffering down here?

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