To Work At The Presidency Is A Sacrificial Job- Alexander Martey

Presidential Staffer, Alexander Martey, has described working at the Office of the President as a sacrificial job.

Speaking on Movement In The Morning with Kwaku Dawuro on Movement TV/ Wontumi radio, Alexander indicated that working at the presidency requires a lot of sacrifice, since the salaries of government workers can delay for a long period of time.

He claimed that government workers give back to the society, as people who make demands from them have the perception that government workers have a high standard of living.

According to him ”Presidential staffers also feel the economic hardship more than the ordinary citizen. Take me for instance, all my fellow members of Ningo-Prampram come to me for help, so when there’s a case of me holding Gh1000, the number of calls that will come in, would bring me to zero by midday since they’re full of demands, so the economic hardship affects us all including the president.

The President himself has deducted 30% of his salary and that of his appointees, meanwhile workers of private institutions take their salaries in full including their allowances. So working at the Presidency is a sacrificial job.”

By wontumionline