These Five Basic Drinks You can Have Daily That Help Increasing Lifespan

We have all known or read about people living above and beyond 100 years of age in certain countries.

People who are categorised as the ‘blue zones’fascinate everyone because not only are they living longer, but they are less likely to experience all these dangerous diseases our world is plagued by.

If you, too, are looking toward extending your lifespan or perhaps would like to integrate similar habits, it’s essential to pay close attention to your food and drink.

I don’t think blue zone folks have processed, sugar or artificially sweetened cans loaded up in their fridge when it comes to drinking.

On the contrary, I’m as curious as you are about what they eat, drink and the form of activity they do, which has increased their lifespan.

But, I somehow believe it’s got to do with a lot more things, such as mindset, mental health and outlook on life.

The rest seem to have a flow-on effect once we start with the simpler things, such as diet.

It’s ideal to begin integrating some of these beneficial beverages into your daily life and help you fight disease, and infuse your body with as many antioxidants as possible.

The most important drink is water

Does this surprise you?

As simple as water is, we’re not drinking enough to help our body eliminate toxins, maintain blood pressure and keep our bodies in an electrolyte balance.

Water also helps boost our metabolism and aids us in weight loss by decreasing our appetite.

If you make it a habit to drink more water daily, its byproduct is improving how your body functions, which increases your lifespan.

According to the

 Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 

, our bodies are 50–70% water, and staying hydrated every day helps cushion joints, protect your spinal cord, and maintain an average temperature.

Are you like me and sometimes feel that water is somewhat ‘bland’ during warm summer days? If you want to add a bit of bubbly mineral water to the mix, you are not alone then.

In Costa Rica, mineral water tends to be higher in calcium and magnesium.

 Mineral water is also really beneficial for digestion. I love using mineral water to ease indigestion and stomach upsets too.

Next time you visit Costa Rica, take the time to indulge in some mineral water.

Green tea

As I sip my cup of green tea, the Blue Zone residents are also known for drinking it all day, every day, and reaping the benefits.

But don’t pick just any Green tea — go for the matcha alternative, as it contains 137 times more catechins than your average variety.

Catechins are antioxidants that stabilise harmful free radicals that damage the body’s cells. Unfortunately, all this damage can lead to chronic disease.

If you are currently susceptible to type 2 diabetes or now suffer from it, drinking green tea before or after your meal has been shown to reduce fasting blood sugar.

Do you find it hard to pick the right kind of Green tea?

May I encourage you to try a different variety -and don’t dismiss the supermarket variety.

My matcha tea is from a local supermarket, and I love it.

Coffee! — Black coffee!

I put this as number three on the list because I would class it as my number one beverage.

Coffee beans are full of antioxidants as well as contain anti-inflammatory properties.

It aids in exercise recovery quite well, not to mention its benefits of increasing alertness and energy during the day.

 A study in 2018 discovered that coffee is linked to a reduction in cardiovascular death, coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure.

Coffee also improves type two diabetes and obesity.

Coffee is a beautiful beverage to have in your life — and it’s essential to pick the right kind of beans and eliminate milk from the mix as much as you can.

In addition, the coffee beans themselves are enjoyed on their own, which increases the level of antioxidants.

Black tea

I don’t think we mention black tea enough for its antioxidant content — not to mention the exquisite flavours and aromas.

 Research proves that black tea is beneficial in offering disease-fighting benefits, such as reducing your risk of heart disease, improving cholesterol, and helping improve the health of your gut bacteria.

There is one catch, though — the blue zone folks don’t put added sweetener into their tea.

Does that seem a bit too plain for you? Why not add some ginger, sliced lemon or if you really must, add some natural sweetener such as stevia.

Stay clear of the proceed sugar-free variety.

Try not to add milk either. Instead, enjoy the flavoursome aromas of plain tea as it should be.

Red wine

Surprise! Red wine is actually on the list, a beverage that the blue zone population likes to drink as part of their meal.

Wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol, which helps lower bad cholesterol, and inflammation and prevents damage to blood vessels.

The Journal Disease 

It has shown that drinking a glass or two helps lower your mortality risk. But do try to keep it at a lower range.

If you are a woman, the recommended amount is one glass to gain the benefits of wine without damaging your health in other ways.

Be very aware and mindful of the quality of wine you purchase. Many wines are processed and contain preservatives and additives that can decrease the healthy bacteria in your gut.

If you want to increase your health to another level, adding some Mediterranean diet components will also help prevent disease and stabilise your weight.

Key takeaways

If you already drink the following beverages, you are one step ahead of most people.

Usually, most people would include more soft drinks in the mix — or overindulge in the wrong kind of alcohol.

The one thing that would be a key focus for anyone that wants to change their health would be to start drinking more water.

Water is key to all functions within our bodies.

I could even use more water — because, during hectic days when I’m in and out of meetings, I forget to drink my water.

When those headaches come on without an explanation — I guarantee you that you might be lacking water!

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