There’s Nothing In Biden’s Victory For You – Group Tells Mahama

There’s Nothing In Biden’s Victory For You – Group Tells Mahama

John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress has been told not to draw inspiration from Joe Biden’s victory in the United States of America elections.

The Concerned Voters Movement has told the former president to focus on his campaign instead of trying to draw non-existent connections between Ghana’s elections and that of the US.

In a statement signed by its President, Razak Kojo Opoku, the CVM said that the dynamics of the two elections make it impossible for the largest opposition party to draw inspiration from Joe Biden’s defeat of Trump.

It highlighted a number of issues that set Ghana’s elections apart from the US

Among the observations made by the group are the difference in the duration of the practice of democracy by the two countries as well as the “contrasting” past records of Biden and Mahama.

While the US’ democratic dispensation has spanned over two centuries, Ghana’s current democratic system started in 1992.

The CVM also said that while Biden’s record as Obama’s veep is untainted and unblemished, same cannot be said of John Dramani Mahama.

It added that Ghana’s elections will be decided by the coronavirus pandemic, creation of jobs and provides education and in all these metrics, CVM is convinced Mahama comes nowhere close to Akufo-Addo.

Below is the statement

Trump’s One Term Presidency has Many Useful Lessons for John Mahama—CVM

According to John Mahama, he is hoping that the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be replicated same in Ghana simply because:
1. He chose a woman as a running mate likewise Joe Biden.
2. It looks like anytime power has shifted in the US it has shifted also in Ghana.

John Mahama should be advised that elections and democracy in the US never started in 1992 and so there is no way Ghana can share a simultaneous destiny with the USA. Mahama should rather focus on selling his track record as well as his new okada and mortuary policies to the Ghanaian electorates and stop the baseless reliance on useless superstitious beliefs that the victory of Biden is an automatic victory for him.

For the avoidance of doubt there are big differences between the Incompetent John Mahama and Joe Biden likewise their respective female running mates:

1. Biden had his successful 8 years as Vice President, stepped back for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and he returned back in 2020 as the now President-elect unlike John Mahama who had 3 years 6 months as Vice President, 6 months as Acting President due to the death of Prof. Mills and of course another 4 years first term as a President.

2. Biden’s wife Mrs. Jill Biden has been solidly behind her husband campaigning for him because there is a saying that behind every successful man there is a good woman. But sadly enough the wife of John Mahama is nowhere to be found, completely distancing herself from Mahama’s campaign perhaps due to the pain and disgrace caused by the alleged Slay Queens of her husband John Mahama.

3. Biden fully enjoyed the support of his boss Obama and the wife Michelle. Unfortunately J. J. Rawlings and the Wife Konadu are 100% against Mahama’s candidature. The wife of Prof. Mills is even against the meaningless comeback of the Incompetent John Mahama.

4. The Campaign Manager of Joe Biden was all over the place campaigning unlike Prof. Joshua Alabi who has quitely resigned from Mahama’s incoherent campaigns.

5. Kamala Harris is an accomplished Senator unlike Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman.

6. Kamala Harris was never part of Obama/Biden Government unlike Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman who ignorantly and ill-advised Mahama to cancel allowances for Teacher’s and Nursing Trainees as a Sector Minister of Education.

7. This is Biden’s first attempt at the presidency unlike John Mahama who is coming for the third time having tried in 2012, 2016 and now 2020.

8. Joe Biden has never been President before, this his first time as the President-elect unlike John Mahama who has been an Acting President for 6 months due to the death of Prof. Mills and again as a substantive President for a whole 4 years.

9. Joe Biden is more polish and well cultured than John Mahama.

10. Joe Biden never use words such as Dead Goat and Baloney to respond to the American people when he was even a Vice President unlike John Mahama.

11. Joe Biden never described the American people as having short memories unlike John Mahama who referred to Ghanaians as having short memories.

12. Joe Biden never engaged himself in a Airbus Scandal as a Vice President to Obama unlike John Mahama.

13. Joe Biden was never investigated by Obama while serving as a Vice President unlike John Mahama who was investigated by Prof. Mills over corruption.

14.Joe Biden never subjected the American people to 5 years of Dumsor unlike John Mahama who victimized and tortured Ghanaians together with their businesses with 5 years of Dumsor.

15. Joe Biden never took Ford Expedition bribe from a Contractor unlike John Mahama.

It is important for John Mahama to understand that he does not share the same destiny with Joe Biden likewise his running mate with the running mate of Joe Biden. John Mahama shares more character traits with Donald Trump.

Joe Biden largely won the American elections on the account of poor management of COVID-19, bad foreign policies and loose talk of Donald Trump.

However, President Akufo-Addo and NPP Government shall win the 2020 General Elections on the account of excellent and prudent management of the COVID-19, restoration of decency to the Seat of Government and implementation of the laudable policies and programmes such as but not limited to:

1. Free SHS

2. 1 District 1 Factory

3. 1 Constituency 1 Ambulance

4. 1 Village 1 Dam

5. Saving the Banking/ Financial Sector through the payment of depositors monies.

5. Digitalization of the Ghanaian economy.

6. Reducing Mahama’s 15.4% Inflation to 10.8%.

7. Reducing Mahama’s policy rate of 26.4% to 14%.

8. Provision of Free Water to Ghanaians.

9. Provision of Free Electricity to Ghanaians.

10. Successfully solving Mahama’s 5 years Dumsor.

11. Construction of 4 major interchanges and asphalting over 595km of roads across the country.

12. Creation of 6 new Regions.

13. Bringing lasting Peace and development to Dagbon. For the first time Abudus and Andani are living peacefully together under Akufo-Addo’s Government.

14. Construction of stadia, renovation of existing stadia and construction of AstroTurf Pitches across Ghana.

15. Completion of Affordable Housing Units.

16. Construction of Kumasi International Airport.

17. Construction of New Model Senior High Schools.

18. Completion of 204 housing unit at Tema Community 22.

20. Revamping the Railway Infrastructure.

21. Construction of over 2,000 classrooms.

22. Supply of over 10, 000 hospital beds.

23. Construction of over 50 Warehouses under 1 District 1 Warehouse Programme.

24. Construction of over 67 Business Resource Centers to boost One District One Factory Policy.

25. Planting for Food and Jobs.

25. Rearing for Food and Jobs.

26. Aquaculture for Food and Jobs.

27. Recruitment of 100,000 NABCO beneficiaries.

28. Creating unprecedented 2 million jobs.

John Mahama and the NDC can continue to rely on superstition, 2020 is about track record, leadership and achievements, and frankly speaking President Akufo-Addo’s Government stand tall.

John Mahama shall have another shocking defeat in the December 7th, 2020 General Elections.

Razak Kojo Opoku
(CVM Founder and President)

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