The One Plant That Cures Many Diseases

The One Plant That Cures Many Diseases

Below is Phyllantus Amarus , this plant is found everywhere and has been proven to contain more than 20 phytochemical properties.

Examples are flavonoids, terpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, polysaccharide, saponins, polyphenols, quercetin, galic acid and many more. You can find it at the road side, gardens, cultivated areas, ect.

According to National Institute of Health- one of the largest research Institute in the USA, Research findings from INDIA & CHINA shows that it acts directly on the Liver , thus confirming its historical use as a remedy for Liver diseases.

Research also shows that it cleared 22 out of 37 chronic Hepatitis B Virus patients in just 30 days & they were continuesily tested negative for consecutively 9 months after. Children with hepatitis B also had their Liver return to normal within few days of administration.

In Brazil and Indonesia, this plant is primarily considered for treating kidney stones. In 1990, it was reported that one DR Wolfram Wieman uses this plant to treat over 100 kidney stones patients with 94% of them successfully cured within a week or two.

It’s reported that for thousands of years, Indians have treated Asthma & bronchitis with it, it has also been reported by researchers that its chemical components such as quercetin, & polysaccharide fight allergies & help reduce the severity of AIDS.

In 1993, it was research in San Marcos University that it contains antibacterial properties over E, coli( the cause of UTI & prostate infection), h pylori ( the cause of ulcers and gastric cancers), mycoplasma pneumoniae ( the cause of pneumonia) salmonella typhi ( the cause of thyphoid fevers).Other treatment include syphilis, hypertension, stomach pains, malaria, diabetes, menstrual disorders, fatigue, arthritis, tumors, gout, blood purification, gonorrhea, poor appetite, foul vagina discharge, jaundice, constipation, piles, snake bite, common cold, inflammation, headache ect.


Decoction- boil hand full of this plant with 2 cups of water on low flame in 20 minutes for proper decoction ( most potent preparation).

Infusion- pour hot boiled water on some leafs and let simmer for 15 minute.

Maceration- soak with normal water & live overnight.


*Adults- half cup twice daily before meals.

Children above 2 years- 1/4 cup twice daily after meals.

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